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november 20, 2015 - Citroen

A #concept car is by definition a one-off vehicle, designed for motor shows and very seldom seen on the road. In a characteristic break with convention, CITROËN lent the keys of its #cactusm #concept ...

october 05, 2015 - Citroen

C_42, CITROËN’s international showcase venue on the Champs-Elysées in Paris, opens the new season with “CITROËN [RE]MIX!”, an intriguing assortment of cars and concepts, past and present! For an even ...

september 15, 2015 - Citroen

Con un concorso lanciato oggi sui social e sul sito, CITROËN offre al grande pubblico un’esperienza inedita: un week-end Beach & Breakfast a bordo della nuova concept-car, #...

september 07, 2015 - Citroen

CITROËN has been boldly setting trends in automotive creativity for some 95 years now, with cars that are closely attuned to their epoch. Comfortable cars. Cars with inimitable style. Cars that are a...

august 31, 2015 - Citroen

CITROËN carries on with its teasing #digital campaign on #cactusm and reveals a little bit more its new concept car which will be exhibited in Frankfurt motorshow.On September 2nd, the surfboards will...

august 25, 2015 - Citroen

CITROËN launches a digital teasing campaign and reveal the name of its future concept-car which will be exhibited in Frankfurt: CITROËN CACTUS M. The summer holidays may now be drawing to a close, but...